Giving Back
Throughout her career, Kristi has made it a priority to give back to the community she works in.
She has donated her time to a number of charitable organizations and is proud to have contributed to the missions of these special organizations.
Stanford Ronald McDonald House
The Ronald McDonald House at Stanford was created as a home-away-from-home for families of children with life-threatening illnesses receiving specialized treatment at local hospitals. Kristi had the honor of designing a communal dining room to bring families together during their stays. Giving back to her community in this powerful way was such a meaningful experience for her. “We started with the concept that mealtime brings people together, providing a wonderful sense of community and normalcy,” says Kristi. “I envisioned the dining room to be used for many activities such as town hall meetings, music performances and weekly bingo games. The entire project was celebrated in San Francisco Cottages & Gardens magazine with Kristi’s uplifting design featured on its cover. View the full feature here.
San Francisco Decorator Showcase
The San Francisco Decorator Showcase brings together local designers to transform a San Francisco residence into a stunning design showcase for the community to enjoy. Thousands of visitors tour the house each year and all funds raised through ticket sales and sponsorships go directly to support the San Francisco University High School’s Financial Aid Program. Over the past 40 years, the Showcase has raised over $17 million for this program, allowing hundreds of Bay Area students access to college preparatory education. Kristi was invited to participate and designed a beautiful lounge and powder room for the home. Her gracious design was celebrated by both press and visitors, helping the Showcase promote and further its charitable mission.

Boys and Girls Club of Coastside
The Boys and Girls Club is a national organization whose mission is to provide hope and opportunity for today’s youth. They nurture self-esteem by instilling a sense of belonging through life enhancing programs and character development experiences. With daily activities and a wide variety of youth initiatives, the organization provides boys and girls with the positive mindset and skills to help them succeed in life. Kristi had the privilege of contributing her services to the Boys and Girls Club and is proud to have been a part of team that created the final design for their Coastside facility.